Hiya! I’m Kae, the organiser of Duck Duck Art Market. On the side, you may find me running a small art shop called Shiku Designs with my lovely friend Jas ( •̀ ω •́ )✧

Why did i start duck duck?

After entering the artist and convention scene I realised it was a bit to explain what I do to my friends and family. It goes along the lines of “Oh- I’m an artist but turn my art into products and sell them at markets and conventions.” (Imagine if I told them I was a “con” artist). They would understand what I was saying, but I don’t think they really understood what it meant. They weren’t really into the art or anime community either but would always show support even though they didn’t really understand what I was doing hahaha.

This idea came to me as a way to combine both our worlds and to have an excuse to bring everyone to have some fun together. who doesn’t love cute silly things or to have a good laugh (although not too sure if this was also a silly reason to start a market haha)

I also eventually realised that a lot of people thought I named my market Duck Duck Art Market because I like ducks. While they’re not technically wrong, it’s actually a play on words after the silly game we used to play as kids called Duck Duck Goose. What I had in mind was adding a twist to the traditional art markets by adding some interactive games or activities so everyone can have fun.

Art by mhuyocomics

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